How to Change Window Searches in Windows 8? Windows by Osman Ali - December 26, 2019 Windows 8 provides many features related to Windows Searches. We can adjust the Settings of Search in this Advanced Operating System to search more efficiently and effectively. Search option includes many options related to searching of Files names, Zip files and compressed files etc. After reading this article we will able to change search options in Windows 8. To do this we have to follow some steps which are as follows. Change Window Search: Firstly Go to the bottom right corner of the Start Screen and take cursor on (-) sign. Charm bar will display. Do click on Settings and Type Search in the text box. A settings window will appear and Choose “Change Search option for files and folders”. Folder Options dialogue box will open then hit the Search button. Check the boxes of different options which we want to add in the Search list. For example, we can check the “Include compressed files (ZIP files, CAB files, RAR files etc.) option. Click on the “Apply” button in the bottom right corner to save the changes that we made. Hit the “restore defaults” button if we ever want to go back to the standard settings as an alternative.